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XRaySim, being open-source is free for download. The beta release is meant to be much more user friendly than the earlier releases (which are now deprecated). This also features a new revamped user interface system which is much more intuitive to use.

For a full list of features, please visit the features page.

Current release (31/12/2009): 

XRaySim v0.7.0

Older versions

Usage information can be found in the documentation section, along with a whole set of introductory documents.

Sample data files

Several sample data files are also available for download. These are basically a collection of CAD models (in either STL and OBJ format) which can be used to quickly evaluate XRaySim's performance. The entire package is available as a Zipped file:


The files were collected from various sources on the internet, and some of them are proprietary. Please read the terms of use (readme.txt) in the download package before using them

Sample material definitions

Material definitions are stored in the materials.dat script file inside the executable folder. The definitions in this file were taken from the extensive NIST database. The format is easy to understand and additional materials can be added without any hassle. The entire script system is described in the documentation section. The sample material script (which comes with the binary distribution) is available separately here.

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